Sales Horsepower When You Need It

Whether you’re a start-up or a Fortune 500 company, we have a solution for your organization. In helping with revenue generation, we fill in the gaps and fill your sales pipeline quickly and efficiently.

So if you’re a CEO, Marketing Manager, Sales Manager or a Business Owner, we can help. All of our solutions are guaranteed so why not contact us today!

Meet New Prospects Within Days

Your sales team is most effective when they are in front of clients, closing deals. We help many successful sales teams by setting sales appointments so that they spend more time in meaningful sales meetings with qualified, interested, budget holding decision makers.

One of the tremendous advantages of working with Revenue Builders is how fast our process works. Once we start a campaign, we begin turning over qualified leads and setting sales appointments immediately. Our clients generally are meeting with qualified prospects within 7 days.

List Building and Research

Revenue Builders excels in crafting customized, high-quality prospect lists that allow your sales team to connect effectively and close deals faster. Our List Building and Research service ensures you receive the most relevant and up-to-date contact information, streamlining your efforts for maximum efficiency. Each list is tailored to your specific criteria, such as industry, job title, and location, and undergoes rigorous verification to guarantee accuracy and relevance. You’ll also gain valuable insights into your prospects to enhance your engagement strategies. Equip your team with the best tools for success. Contact Revenue Builders today to optimize your sales approach with precision-targeted lists.

Have Well Attended Events

Events, seminars and webinars are consistently rated by B2B marketers as one of the most effective ways of generating sales leads. Use us to generate attendees and you will benefit from our experience of marketing hundreds of trade shows, events and webinars.

Social media and email can be effective, but speaking to your invitees directly is the best way of generating attendance. It’s also the best way of discovering why invitees don’t plan to attend and of engaging with those who are otherwise strong prospects. We offer an event marketing package developed over many years, including pre and post event calling to obtain the maximum ROI from your spend.

Automate Your Marketing

Let us help you move leads from the top of the marketing funnel through to becoming sales-ready leads at the bottom of the funnel. We connect using multiple touch points and marketing channels including social media, email marketing, and content marketing. Prospects receive targeted content and messaging, thus nurturing them from first interest through to sale. This ensures “top of mind awareness” so that when prospects are ready to buy, they buy from you.

Done right, marketing automation can help businesses realize stronger returns on marketing investments than have been possible with manual processes.

Meet With Major Accounts

One of the most valuable services we provide is helping our clients penetrate major accounts. We start identifying the individuals through research. We use granular title searches and obtain email addresses and direct dial phone numbers.

We contact via telephone and email systematically over a period of time. We identify interest and isolate those leads for extra calling every week. We obtain and pursue referrals gently but systematically until we reach the right individuals. When prospecting within existing accounts, we help sell wide and deep by spreading out and making new connections. This is helpful both to increase sales and also as a defensive measure.

Increase Lead Velocity

Organizations often need more leads, better leads or to have a large number of leads qualified and moved along in the sales process.

We provide a “top three” marketing channel for producing both quality and quantity of B2B sales leads. Even with the rise of social media, our process remains supremely effective when producing sales qualified leads. It’s often a key enabler of integrated campaigns, delivering top of funnel, marketing qualified leads to be fed into marketing automation platforms in order to develop further.

Campaign Details

Our Sales Consultants are based in the United States, technologically savvy and have extensive sales experience. Our services can be turn-key or highly customized as the situation requires. All of our work is guaranteed and we have a commitment to excellence that is unmatched. We operate transparently, giving you full access to all of our records, reports and data. We’re highly process oriented and we have a strong process. We utilize technology to create campaigns that offer terrific value. Let us help you keep your sales pipeline full of new potential customers!